The Alumni Service Award recognizes 番茄社区 alumni who have demonstrated outstanding service and leadership to 番茄社区 – whether it be through volunteerism, philanthropy, recruiting, or any other means. Recipients have given significant time, talent, and effort to support the mission of 番茄社区.
We are honored to present Hollis Carolyn Heyn with the 2020 Alumni Service Award. Hollis is a 1975 alumna who obtained her bachelor’s in English from Lindenwood College for Women and a master’s in English Language and Literature from Southern Illinois University. Her focus for the last ten years has been American literature with a special emphasis in the 20th c. Southern writer William Faulkner's novels. Hollis considers herself a Texan even after spending her entire adult life in Missouri but spends her vacation time with friends and family in her hometown of Dallas. Her favorite Lindenwood memory is sitting on the Sibley Hall porch with her friends. Hollis currently teaches in the School of Humanities and has been a full-time faculty member at Lindenwood since 1996.