The Writing Center offers its services in both face-to-face and virtual formats.

Students may make appointments with us via , and our consultants will provide feedback face-to-face or via email.鈥疭tudents can also schedule a video conference to talk with a consultant; conferencing options include video with screenshare, audio, and live chat. Phone calls can also be arranged by request.

For Students

Students are encouraged to stop by and work with Writing Consultants in order to learn writing skills.

The Lindenwood Writing Center can help students:

The Writing Consultants will also show students how to:

The following are some common assignments or topics we can assist with:

Please keep in mind that if you elect to use the emailed feedback option, the asynchronous nature means that our consultants will be taking these assignments on a first come, first served basis. This creates a turnaround time when compiled with a consultant’s other responsibilities. While we will be providing feedback as soon as possible, papers that are 10 pages or fewer may see up to a 48-hour return time, and papers over 10 pages could see up to a 72-hour return time—the longer the paper, the longer the return time may be. Be aware of this when booking your appointment.

Additionally, please note that Writing Consultants cannot start a paper for a student. The Writing Consultant’s role is to help students improve writing skills by answering questions regarding writing mechanics, organization, clarity, and documentation. The Writing Consultant will not simply “fix” the paper for the student seeking assistance or necessarily comment on every individual error. This includes addressing every spelling error, grammar error, rewording a thesis statement, or corrections otherwise. The Writing Center’s services are provided to teach students how to identify and correct these issues themselves. The Writing Center cannot guarantee an "A" letter grade on reviewed papers. The accuracy of the content of the paper is the responsibility of the student; the consultants are not specialists in content and provide their feedback from the point of view of an outside, uninformed audience.

For Faculty

Writing Center staff members are available to give presentations on writing-related subjects in person or via pre-recorded videos for you and your classes. We can also offer presentations in a live virtual format via Teams. Depending on your class format and schedule, you may email the Writing Center to discuss subject matter and delivery format options.

Please fill out the Presentation Request Form if you would be interested in our services. If you have any questions, please email Director Susan Edele at

Additionally, you can find Writing Center resources in the Canvas Commons covering these subjects:

In the Commons, simply search "番茄社区" in order to find our modules.