
番茄社区 is a private institution of higher education with an educational focused mission, vision, and values. As such, the University shall not participate in or intervene in (include the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Similarly, the University shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by a nonprofit organization consistent with its tax-exempt status.


This policy applies to students, faculty, staff, and political activities of the University.


The University practices political nonpartisanship. No office, organization, subdivision, student, or employee of 番茄社区 may use university resources, advertising channels, or work time to promote, assist, or express support for any particular candidate(s) pursuing election or appointment to a political office. Similarly, students, faculty members, or staff are prohibited from using those resources or work time on behalf of personal political initiatives or imply that they speak as a representatives of the university when expressing personal support for a political candidate. Students, faculty members, staff, are not permitted to post, mount, erect, or stand a sign, banner, or poster of a political nature on any property owned, leased, or managed by the university.

This policy is in no way meant to deter students or organizations on campus from engaging in political discussions and debate. However, Lindenwood as an institution must remain politically neutral relative to candidates for office. Also, students may invite active candidates to campus as long as the organization issues equal invitations to the opposing candidates. The general principle is that Lindenwood will allow political activities on campus only if they serve a clear educational purpose.


Such events must be approved in advance by the University. Requests for a candidate must be submitted the Outside Speaker Request Form on Mane Connection. The form should be submitted a minimum of 4 weeks in advance and will be reviewed by the University. Submissions must include documentation that invitations were extended to all candidates. The event may proceed with only one candidate/political figure if others declined or failed to respond to invitations within a timely manner.

Any approved activities must denote the events is sponsored by the student organization, invitations were extended to the all candidates, and the University remains nonpartisan in all political activities. Please note that University funds are not to be used to support the event. Lindenwood reserves the right to approve or decline any candidate visitor and/or event, regardless of adherence to established policies including for what it reasonably believes to be in the best interest of the University and its community.